
HD Body Sculpting

Look and feel your best with the help of Belle Medical’s permanent fat removal treatments.

What Is HD Body Sculpting?

Some parts of our bodies, like the stomach, hips, arms, thighs, chin, buttocks, and others, hold onto fat no matter how hard we try to get rid of it. Belle Medical’s HD Body Sculpting treatments do what dieting and exercise can’t. We guarantee permanent fat removal through a safe, minimally invasive procedure that gets results you can see almost immediately.

HD Body Sculpting works best for men and women who are in generally good health, and have under 20-25% body fat, who just can’t lose stubborn spots of fat regardless of great diet and exercise habits. (That said, heavier patients who need a jumpstart can undergo a debulking procedure, in which we help them get rid of as much fat as possible in a given area, preparing them for more targeted body sculpting afterward.) If you have preexisting medical conditions or other issues that could slow down your healing process, HD Body Sculpting isn’t right for you.

Benefits and Advantages for Our Patients

Every prospective patient’s relationship with Belle Medical begins with a free consultation with a highly experienced provider. They’ll make sure you’re a good candidate for HD Body Sculpting (or a debulking procedure), listen to your goals and desires, and offer personalized advice to help create a body you’ll always be happy with.

Our nonsurgical fat removal techniques don’t cut, tear, heat, or freeze the surrounding tissue. We use a local anesthetic (and/or oral medications, according to your preference), so there’s no need for general anesthesia, eliminating the risks associated with other body sculpting services (such as burning, tissue damage, and anesthetic toxicity). Recovery time is minimal—most of our patients are able to resume their regular activities within 24-48 hours. You’ll leave our clinic with a lasting new look and a strong sense of confidence.

HD Body Sculpting Treatments

Stomach/Abs Sculpting

The stomach is a problem area for both women and men. If you have a beer belly, you can’t lose your baby weight, or you’re struggling to develop a six-pack, count on abdominal sculpting for a tighter torso. 

Hips/Love Handles Sculpting

Both men and women are prone to storing excess fat in their flanks, also known as “love handles.” HD Body Sculpting can slim down the sides of your abdomen so you can fit in all your favorite shirts and feel confident in a swimsuit.

Arm Sculpting

Using our HD Body Sculpting technology, we’ll break down the fat cells in your arms and permanently remove them with a gentle suction process.

Chin/Neck Sculpting

It’s easier to face the day with a strong jawline and well-defined facial features. We can permanently remove the fat behind your double chin and sculpt away your sagging jowls so you’ll have more reasons to show off your smile.

Thighs Sculpting

Women are genetically predisposed to store extra fat in their thighs, and it’s tough to get rid of. HD Body Sculpting can permanently remove your thigh fat for leaner legs.

Chest Sculpting

All men would love to have a flat, chiseled chest, but even the most dedicated gym goers have trouble losing extra fat on top. If you have gynecomastia (“man boobs”) or other signs of flab on your upper body, chest contouring can take care of them.

Back Sculpting

Back flab is notoriously difficult to get rid of. HD Body Sculpting can permanently remove your back fat for a slimmer physique.

Combination Procedures

Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a customized group of treatments, typically involving HD Body Sculpting and Fat Transfer, performed to help women correct common body issues that typically result from pregnancy and childbirth.

Dad Bod Makeover

While some men celebrate the stout stomach and love handles they develop in their 30s and 40s, most would be healthier and happier with an athletic physique. Stay trim with a Dad Bod Makeover, in which we’ll remove fat from the flanks, chest, and abs.

Benefits and Advantages for Our Patients

Every prospective patient’s relationship with Belle Medical begins with a free consultation with a highly experienced provider. They’ll make sure you’re a good candidate for HD Body Sculpting (or a debulking procedure), listen to your goals and desires, and offer personalized advice to help create a body you’ll always be happy with.

What to Expect

If you are considering Belle Medical, you probably have questions about what you can expect. During your free consultation, your treatment coordinator will explain more about our HD Body Sculpting procedure, offer guidance on what measures will work best for your body, and develop a treatment plan. We’ll also conduct a medical assessment to make sure you’re a good candidate (don’t worry—95% of the people we speak with pass the test). Lastly, we’ll give you a price quote and discuss financing options if necessary.

If you choose to go ahead with your procedure, you won’t have to be nervous about a typical medical experience. We try to make procedure day feel more like a trip to a spa. We’ll give you medicine to help you relax, numb your treatment sites with local anesthetic, and start working on permanently removing fat from your problem areas while you watch Netflix or mess around on your phone. The whole procedure will be over before you know it.

After your procedure, you’ll only need a day or two to recover—most of our patients resume their regular routines the next day. Results are visible almost immediately, so you can start showing your new body off to friends and coworkers right away!

HD Body Sculpting FAQs

How soon will I see results?

Immediately! You will see the treatment’s impact before you leave our clinic on the day of your procedure. Treated areas will continue to improve over several weeks, with results becoming fully realized after about four weeks.

How long do results last?

Since the body is unlikely to replace permanently removed fat cells, your results should last forever. However, diet and lifestyle are the ultimate determining factors in maintaining fat loss, so following a healthy diet and exercise plan will help you enhance and maintain your results.

Does HD Body Sculpting hurt?

Our cutting-edge technology enables us to offer a minimally invasive fat removal treatment that, unlike alternatives, doesn’t cut, tear, heat, or freeze the surrounding tissue. We use a local anesthetic (or oral medications, according to your preference) to foster a relaxed state during treatment. Keep in mind that every person experiences pain differently, so our providers will assess each patient individually to help maximize their comfort during the procedure.

How much does HD Body Sculpting cost?

The price for a nonsurgical fat removal procedure varies depending on the number and size of the areas treated. We are happy to help you schedule a free consultation where you can learn more about treatment plans that are right for your needs and your budget.

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