
Maybe you’ve already set your New Year’s resolutions for 2021—maybe you’ve even abandoned them already after doing a bit of research (or none at all) on new year health tips. If that’s the case, your goals may have been a little too ambitious or the information was too overwhelming for you. Lots of New Year’s resolutions are quickly abandoned, but it’s never too late to start over with something more effective.

We believe in a simple and direct approach to new year wellness—one that prioritizes your health in a real, actionable way every day of the year. Read on for a list of New Year’s resolution tips that will help you put your health first this year.

Don’t Slouch on Sleep

One of our best health and wellness tips for the new year, or any time, is to prioritize your relationship with your bed. You’ve heard us say it before, and you’ll hear us say it again: Sleep is crucial to any wellness or weight loss goal. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep can lead to hormone imbalances in the body, causing weight gain and other health concerns. Getting enough sleep isn’t just a way for your mind to recharge, but a necessary function for overall physical fitness.

Eat to Feel Good

There’s no one magic diet that works for everyone. Our bodies need a little of this and a little of that—some carbs, some fat, some salt, and some sugar. How much of each substance our bodies need and what each of us can stand to cut out is where we differ. The best approach to eating well is to have a variety of whole foods and stick with what makes you feel good!

If you can’t live without sweets, try adding a little dark chocolate to your menu. If you find that bread makes you feel bloated, limit how much you eat. It’s all about paying attention to what your body’s telling you, not what the latest diet trend on Instagram says. If your diet doesn’t make you feel 100% throughout the day, you need to make changes, plain and simple. Coming up with health and wellness New Year’s resolutions shouldn’t be punishment, but some proper planning and work has to be involved in some way that’s specific to your lifestyle and current situation.

Make Movement a Part of Every Day

Sometimes, we set a pretty high bar for ourselves when we make New Year’s resolutions, only to find out that our busy lives can’t actually fit in seven CrossFit workouts a week. Our next New Year’s resolution tip is to start small with a new exercise regimen.

Just find time to move around every day. Take a walk around the block, sign up for a yoga class, or do some sit-ups at home. Whatever type of exercise you prefer, the most important thing at first is that you commit to doing it and follow through. You’ll feel more active and more balanced, and you’ll have the satisfaction of keeping a promise to yourself. You can progress to more impactful workouts once you’ve built a habit.

Get a Head Start With Body Sculpting

You don’t have to do it all on our own. If there’s something you want to do for you, Belle Medical is here to help. An HD Body Sculpting procedure is a great way to kickstart the new year and your new commitment to health.

Having problematic fat removed from certain parts of your body changes your whole fat distribution and body chemistry—your body will work harder to consume energy after your treatment, burning more calories, and you likely won’t have as big of an appetite. HD Body Sculpting procedures also have an enormous psychological impact. With a renewed sense of confidence and pride in your appearance, we believe you’ll feel more motivated to eat right, sleep well, and exercise to maintain your results. We hope our new year health tips will help you stay the course and become the fitter, happier person you want to be. Let’s make 2021 the start of something great!

McKay Taylor
Author: McKay Taylor

McKay has a love and passion for health and physical aesthetics. He went to Utah State on a full-ride academic scholarship, majoring in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition. McKay is currently the CMO of Belle Medical, a competitive bodybuilder, and a Certified Personal Trainer and Dietitian. When he’s not reading up on the latest breakthroughs in health and fitness research, he’s working hard to set trends of his own. Most importantly, McKay truly believes that with proper eating habits, training, and the right medical interventions (a la Belle Medical), no physique or personal body goal is out of reach for ANYONE.