
By now you may know what an HD Body Sculpting procedure is, but what does it actually feel like to get one? We’ll do our best to describe the full experience so you’ll know what to expect every step of the way.

During your HD Body Sculpting procedure, you are not put under anesthesia—we want to get rid of any and all risks attached to an elective procedure. Rather than putting you under, we have tried and tested the best medication to ensure a relaxed, comfortable setting for your procedure. The sensations you’ll feel during the procedures are similar to dental work: You are numb, but you may experience pressure or vibration.

Every one of our patients is different, so we naturally customize all oral and procedural medication to every individual’s needs. Though some people sleep through the entire procedure, others have described feeling a sensation similar to a massager under the skin. Some say it tickles, some say they feel pressure, but ALL patients are thoroughly listened to and cared for throughout the entire process.

What Do Patients Do During the Procedure?

For the duration of your experience with Belle Medical, you are assigned a personal assistant that will be there for you during the entire 90-day process. Our assistants and providers are excellent at being there for you emotionally and physically.

During the procedure itself, you can sleep on a heated bed, watch Netflix, listen to music, or chat with your assistant and provider. Your assistant will be at your side to offer water, snacks, gum, or anything else you need. While a lot of our patients sleep through the majority of the procedure, we aim to make the environment calm and comfortable enough for you to enjoy staying awake too.

How Does It Feel Leading Up to the Procedure?

Once you’ve booked your procedure after your consultation, it’s natural to feel both excited and nervous before you receive your treatment. Nerves are normal, but we encourage you to focus on all the exciting things that this procedure can do for you.

Patients will always be scheduled for a preoperative appointment where they will get a refresher on what to prep for during the procedure. During this appointment, you will be given papers to remind you of pre- and postoperative care considerations, and you will be able to ask our incredible medical assistants any questions you have. You will leave this appointment feeling completely prepared for your procedure and more at ease after building relationships with our medical team.

How Does It Feel After a Belle Medical Procedure?

The day after your body sculpting procedure, you are going to feel sore, but you will ALREADY see changes in your body. It should feel like you just finished a workout, when your body tears and rebuilds muscle but quickly leaves the aching feeling behind. Though our procedures won’t go anywhere near the muscle layer, your stubborn fat layer is located on top of the muscle and will be rebuilding new connective tissue to tighten and firm the skin after removing those fat cells.

After working out for the first time in a while, people will encourage you to get moving again for a faster recovery. So do we—THERE IS NO DOWN TIME following a Belle Medical treatment. We want you walking, stretching, and moving your body so you can heal faster and feel better. The very next day after a procedure, our patients walk a mile and drink a gallon of water. You will also get a postoperative massage to help you with the healing process, and you’ll meet with your assistant to make sure your results are on the right track.

Now that you have a good idea of how you’ll feel before, during, and after a Belle Medical procedure, it should be easier to take the next step! Book a free consultation with our team to experience the process for yourself.

This article has been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Goffi, MPH, MD, Director of Medicine/Medical

Dr. Robert Mitchell MD
Author: Dr. Robert Mitchell MD

Dr. Robert Mitchell has been practicing medicine for 15 years. He graduated from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma and completed his medical degree at the University of Oklahoma in 2002. Dr. Mitchell went on to complete training in General Surgery/Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City in 2007.

Dr. Mitchell is native to Tulsa, OK. He is a proud father to his son, Cameron. He enjoys an active lifestyle, coaching and playing baseball, basketball, and soccer with his son. Dr. Mitchell enjoys vacations to the Florida Coast where he and his son can be found deep sea fishing. In his spare time, you can find him volunteering for Tulsa Habitat for Humanity.