
Curvy, voluptuous buttocks are a standard of beauty women everywhere try to achieve. Feeling insecure in jeans, failing to fill out swimsuit bottoms, and working out your glutes without seeing results could all be signs that you’re a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. If you feel uncomfortable with the size, shape, or proportion of your buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift Fat Transfer will give you the curves and volume you’ve always wanted. Read below to find out if you are a good candidate for Fat Transfer and discover the benefits of naturally forming fuller buttocks.

What is a Natural Brazilian Butt Lift?

A natural Brazilian butt lift consists of removing fat from high-volume problem areas (like your stomach, sides, or thighs) and transferring it to your buttocks to improve overall shape and size. Once we purify and transfer your healthy fat cells into your buttocks, we are able to contour your butt to your desired shape. Because a Brazilian butt lift Fat Transfer only uses your body fat to restore volume and plumpness, it is considered a safer and more natural treatment than buttocks implants, reducing possible side effects like implant rejection and infection. The treatment only requires a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable, and most patients return to work within 24-48 hours. Women who undergo the treatment typically see fully realized results after four weeks.

Best Candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift

Our providers can tell you if you are an ideal candidate during your free consultation. You are typically a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift Fat Transfer if you:

  • Are unhappy with the current shape of your buttocks and have realistic expectations of results
  • Have lost natural volume and shape due to age or weight loss
  • Want to increase the size of your buttocks without implants
  • Have enough fat in surrounding areas to inject into the buttocks
  • Lead a healthy, active lifestyle
  • Do not have any existing medical conditions that could interfere with healing
  • Have time to recover and can avoid sitting immediately after treatment

Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift

Unlike traditional implant methods, a Brazilian butt lift Fat Transfer allows you to enjoy a naturally augmented butt without invasive surgery. The results of a Fat Transfer butt augmentation are more realistic and natural-looking than alternative methods. This treatment can also help reduce the sagging or shapelessness that can occur with age. If you are constantly bothered by the way clothes fit your backside or you have unnatural fat distribution after losing weight, a Brazilian butt lift can enhance the plumpness in your buttocks while removing fat from surrounding areas to improve your overall curvature. We’ll help you decide which problem areas would be best to target for your desired results.

Fat Transfer Brazilian Butt Lift at Belle Medical

Belle Medical’s expert providers will determine if you are a good candidate and make sure you are informed of all pre- and post-procedure instructions before treatment. We specialize in personalized patient care and are always available to offer our suggestions on what treatment is best for your unique wants. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!

Dr. Robert Mitchell MD
Author: Dr. Robert Mitchell MD

Dr. Robert Mitchell has been practicing medicine for 15 years. He graduated from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma and completed his medical degree at the University of Oklahoma in 2002. Dr. Mitchell went on to complete training in General Surgery/Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City in 2007.

Dr. Mitchell is native to Tulsa, OK. He is a proud father to his son, Cameron. He enjoys an active lifestyle, coaching and playing baseball, basketball, and soccer with his son. Dr. Mitchell enjoys vacations to the Florida Coast where he and his son can be found deep sea fishing. In his spare time, you can find him volunteering for Tulsa Habitat for Humanity.